So apparently Apple is reducing their advertising on Twitter, enough to piss off The Musker. Elon's response was to suggest that Apple doesn't like free speech.
Here's some free speech for you: Go fuck yourself, Mr. Musk.
So essentially, if you're a company that pays for advertising, you better choose to pay Twitter to advertise, or else you are against freedom of speech. So, at the heart of it, he's only for companies freedoms when it's making him money.
What an entitled shitbag.
I mean imagine the ego that suggests that you companies are only allowed to exercise a constitutional right if I think it's ok. The only reason people listen to this douchebag with hairplugs is he has an obscene amount of wealth.
And now he's saying if Apple & Google ban Twitter from their app stores because it's violating their terms of service, that he'll build his own phone. LMFAO.
It's getting pretty humorous that this dickhead with billions got his fragile little sense of self worth challenged by randos on a social network, decides to buy it, realizes he's made a mistake but can't back out of it, pisses off most of the advertisers by letting racist & hateful shitbirds back on the network, then might have to sink billions more into the development of a phone because he's so ruined the social network that he bought, that the other phone manufacturers think it's too fucked for their devices.f